
The Roots Of Good And Evil
The Roots Of Good And Evil - Ven. Nyanaponika Thera deals exhaustively with psychological roots of morally good and morally wicked actions and shows how this knowledge could be linked up with mindfulness meditation. A great companion for the scholar and the layman.
Rs 175.00
Last Days Of The Buddha
This work is the Pali Canon’s account of the Buddha’s last journey to the small jungle town where he attained his final release. The sutta is not only a vivid historical document but a great religious classic. Includes helpful explanatory notes.
Rs 125.00
The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest
The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest - In this booklet, following a brief introduction, Ven. Nyanaponika gives a selection of passages which he translated from the Discourses of the Buddha and the commentaries.
Rs 125.00
Three Cardinal Discourses Of The Buddha
Three Cardinal Discourses Of The Buddha - This booklet contains the first three discourses that the Buddha gave after his Awakening.In these three discourses the Buddha displays the fundamental, cardinal teachings on the Four Noble Truths from which all of his teachings branch and to which they all point back.
Rs 80.00
Kalama Sutta
Kalama Sutta - The discourse to the Kalama is well known for its encouragement of inquiry. It sets forth the principles that should be followed by a seeker of truth and contains a standard by which spiritual teachings can be judged. In this discourse the Buddha shows that the reason for a virtuous life does not necessarily depend on beliefs, but on mental well-being acquired through the overcoming of greed, hatred and delusion.
Rs 40.00
The Bhikkhu Patimokkha-A Word By Word Translation
The Bhikkhu Patimokkha-A Word By Word Translation - It is an exact, word by word translation of the code of Discipline meant for the Buddhist monks – though intended for the Buddhist monks, yet it will be of concern to those who evince an interest in Pali and Buddhist monastic law.
Rs 150.00
Code Of Conduct For Buddhist Nuns
Code Of Conduct for Buddhist Nuns - In this work is presented the rules of conduct for Buddhist nuns as enshrined in the Pali Canon; immaculately translated   into English and Presented with the context by the internationally renowned pioneer of the establishment of Bhikkhuni Sasana in Sri Lanka, Ven.Bhikkhuni Dr. Kolonnawe Kusuma. It in revised by Samaneri Akincana of Germany.
Rs 550.00
Analysis Of The Bhikkhu Patimokkha
Analysis Of The Bhikkhu Patimokkha - The main part of this book is a word by word translation of the Pali text of the Bhikkhu Pātimokkha; also included are a critical edition of the Pali text, a translation, discussions of technical terms and procedures, an analysis of the structure of the Pātimokkha, and comparisons with rules in the Prātimoksasutras of other early Buddhist schools.
Rs 400.00
The Theravada Abhidhamma
The Theravada Abhidhamma - This volume examines the Abhidhamma perspective on the nature of phenomenal existence. It begins with a discussion of the dhamma-theory (the theory of real existents) which provides the ontological foundation for the Abhidhamma philosophy. It then explains the category of the nominal and the conceptual as the Abhidhamma’s answer to the objects of common-sense realism. Among the other topics discussed are the theory of double truth, analysis of mind, theory of cognition, analysis of matter, the nature of time and space, the theory of momentary being, and conditional relations. 
Rs 500.00
Study Notes On Abidhamma
Study Notes On Abidhamma - This book serves to help the many keen learners of Buddhism who are in need of explanatory notes on subjects which have not been dealt with before, in the English medium. Students who sit for the Dhamma and Abhidhamma examinations held by YMBA Colombo could use this book to study progressively for all five examinations from the Junior level to the Diploma level. 
Rs 700.00
Abhidhamma Studies
Abhidhamma Studies - Bold and brilliant essays exploring the psychological and philosophical foundations of the Abhidhamma. Shows the practical relevance to the spiritual life of the Abhidhamma's methodical psychological analysis.
Rs 380.00
Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka
Guide Through The Abhidhamma Pitaka - The principal aim of this book is to clarify the structure of the Abhidhamma works, most of which are quite large and complex, and thus aid the study of them. 
Rs 350.00
Manual Of Insight
Manual Of Insight - Knowing that reliable information on the practice of insight meditation was much needed by Buddhists in the West, the Venerable Ledi Sayadaw wrote the 'Manual of Insight, treating subjects such as the distortions of perception, the conceivings , the stages, the noble truths,  the causes of phenomena, the higher knowledges, Nibbana etc. Each of the subjects is fully expounded and furnished with brief illustrations, some of which are drawn from the Pali texts, while others are the product of the Mahathera's own mind and pen.
Rs 125.00
Stories From The Dhammapada
Stories From The Dhammapada - Stories selected from the Dhammapada and put into simple English prose by the highly capable Translator and author of Buddhist treatises, Mr. W. Vivian De Thabrew.
Rs 450.00
The Dhammapada The Buddhas Path of Freedom
The Dhammapada The Buddhas Path of Freedom - The most beloved Buddhist classic of all time, the Dhammapada is an anthology of over 400 verses on the ethics, meditation, and wisdom of Buddhism. This translation by a long-term student of the work transmits the spirit and content as well as the style of the original. Includes the original Pali text. With an extensive introduction by Bhikkhu Bodhi, as well as a first line index for both the English and the Pali verses.
The Explanation Of The Factors Of Enlightenment
The Explanation of The Factors of Enlightenment - An in-depth exploration of the factors of Enlightenment which are 37 in all by one of the leading exponents of Buddhist philosophy in Sinhalese; the book is a translation from the Sinhala original.
Rs 300.00
Four Noble Truths
Four Noble Truths - The most in-depth and advanced exploration of the Four Noble Truths written in the Sinhalese is now made available to English readership by Mr. Viranjeewa Weerakkody who is the translator of this treatise.
Rs 210.00
Giving Up - Part 1 Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse
Giving Up - Part 1  Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse - It is the saga of a Sri Lankan itinerant Buddhist monk – experiences he has undergone in his mostly forest life and his inimitable expositions of Buddhism. It is highly inspiring reading and would give one the idea of the type of livelihood of Buddhist saints of yore who strolled the earth. The expositions therein are extremely lucid and perspicuous.
Rs 160.00
Giving Up - Part 04 Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse
Giving Up - Part 04  Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse - The saga continues with his ever clearer and perspicuous expositions of the various facets of Buddhism tinged with his meditative experiences.
Rs 125.00
Giving Up - Part 05 Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse
Giving Up - Part 05  Maharahathun Wedimaga Osse - The saga of the itinerant forest bhikkhu continues further with ever inspiring additions to his expounding of Buddhism pertaining to the school of the elders.
Rs 140.00
The Reverd Book Of Five Houndred & Fifty Jataka Stories Volume 1
The Revered Book Of Five Hundred And Fifty Jataka Stories - The Sinhala Pansiya Panas Jataka Pot Vahanse is without doubt the best known, best loved and one of the most venerated books in Buddhist Sri Lanka. The fact that the term 'vahanse' is often used as a part of the title of the book, indicates the reverence with which the book itself is treated.
Rs 2,250.00
Within Our Own Hearts
Within Our Own Hearts - This little volume of Dhamma talks offered here to show a way out of our problems and sufferings, to give an idea of the Buddha’s way to reach ultimate peace and happiness. It anyone becomes inspired to practice this path of moral conduct, meditation and insight, our world will be so much the better for it.
This inspiring book is based on twelve talks given at the Parappaduwa Nuns Island in Sri Lanka. Ayya Khema insists that the Buddha’s teachings, though profound, are simple and can be realized within our own hearts.
Rs 100.00
The Long Discourses Of The Buddha
The Long Discourses Of The Buddha - Venerable Sumedho Thera writes in his foreword: "[These suttas] are not meant to be 'sacred scriptures' that tell us what to believe. One should read them, listen to them, think about them, contemplate them, and investigate the present reality, the present experience, with them. Then, and only then, can one insightfully know the truth beyond words." Introduced with a vivid account of the Buddha's life and times and a short survey of his teachings, The Long Discourses of the Buddha brings us closer in every way to the wise and compassionate presence of Gotama Buddha and his path of truth.
Rs 18,250.00