
The Mission Accomplished
A historical analysis of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta of the Digha Nikaya of the Pali Canon. The Mission Accomplished is undoubtedly an eye opening contribution to Buddhist analytical Pali studies. In this analytical and critical work Ven. Dr. Pategama Gnanarama enlightens us in many areas of subjects hitherto unexplored by scholars. His views on the beginnings of the Bhikkhuni Order are interesting and refreshing. They might even be provocative to traditional readers, yet be challenging to the feminists to adopt a most positive attitude to the problem. Prof. Chandima Wijebandara, University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, Sri Lanka.
Rs 325.00
Teachings Of Vimalakirti
Vimalakirti is a Bodhisattava who appears as a layman in order to help 'all living beings'. A worker of wonders, he reveals distant universes, feeds thousands of beings with a single bowl of nectar, and wins a philosophical debate with a thunderous silence,. Because he is enlightened the means he uses are highly skillful yet utterly inconceivable.
Reading The Buddha's Discourses In Pali
Bhikkhu Bodhi’s sophisticated and practical instructions on how to read the Pali of the Buddha’s discourses will acquaint students of Early Buddhism with the language and idiom of these sacred texts. Here the renowned English translator of the Pali Canon opens a window into key suttas from the Samyutta Nikaya, giving a literal translation of each sentence followed by a more natural English rendering, then explaining the grammatical forms involved. In this way, students can determine the meaning of each word and phrase and gain an intimate familiarity with the distinctive style of the Pali suttas—with the words, and world, of the earliest Buddhist texts.
Ven. Bodhi’s meticulously selected anthology of suttas provides a systematic overview of the Buddha’s teachings, mirroring the four noble truths, the most concise formulation of the Buddha’s guide to liberation. Reading the Buddha’s Discourses in Pali shares with readers not only exceptional language instruction but also a nuanced study of the substance, style, and method of the early Buddhist discourses.
Rs 18,240.00
Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra
The Lankavatara Sutra is one of the most important Mahayana texts, and the Napalese Buddhists consider it to be one of the nine canonical texts. The text contains almost all the main ideas, both philosophical and theological, of Mahayana Buddhism. The Yogacara School of Mahayana considers this text to be its fundamental text, as it contains all those ideas of idealism, like Mind-only, store-house-consciousness, which would form the basis of the philosophy of this school.
Maha Satipatthana Sutta
The sermon on the Foundation of Mindfulness Maha Sathipattana Sutta is the twenty second of the Long-length Discourses Collection of the discourses of the Buddha. There is yet another version of it, ten in the collection of Middle Length Discourses, which differs only by the absence of detailed explanation of the Four Noble Truth.
Discourses in Buddhist Classics
Discourses in Buddhist Classics is primarily designed with twofold objective viz. (a) to serve as the tool for post-graduate teaching of the Course in Philosophy of the Buddha; and (b) to sustain the interest of the enterprising student by providing comprehensive understanding of Theravada and Mahayana schools of Buddhism. Divided into six chapters, the first chapter gives an account of the missionary life and object of Buddha's teachings from Pali and Sanskrit sources; the second surveys the evolution of Pali language and its significant contribution; the third and fourth provide a brief sketch of Pali Tripitakas, the salient features as well as the Philosophical doctrines of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism by comparison and contrast. The last two chapters discuss the historiography of the two representative Buddhist Classics each from Thervada and Mahayana philosophical schools of Buddhism viz., Dhammapada, Sutta-Nipata, Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita and Saddharma Punóarika Sutra while throwing light on their central teachings. This work serves as a useful companion for the scholars and researchers who are seriously interested in the history of Buddhist literature.
The Nyaya Sutras Of Gotama
The Nyaya Sutra of Gotama is an important treatise on Indian logic and is regarded as the earliest work of Nyaya philosophy. Written in the aphoristic style, it is believed to have been comprised by Gotama, Gautama or Aksapada who is also considered to be the founder of the Nyaya system of philosophy. That the Nyaya Sutra was an important work is also evident from the numerous commentaries on the texts which were written throughout the centuries. The Nyaya Sutra is divided into five blocks, each containing two chapters called ahnikas or Diurnal portions.
The Sutta - Nipata
Printed in Devanagari script. From inside cover: This book represents the whole of what is the best of Buddhism. The Sutta-Nipata is an anthology and contains among others, a large number of verses from the different Nikayas. This is the first time that it is printed in Devanagari script.
Rs 800.00
DhammaPadaya Sinhala Artha Wiwaranaya
ධම්‍මපදය - වනාහි බොදු ජනතාවගේ අත්පොත වශයෙන් සම්භාවිත වූ ධර්ම ග්‍රන්ථයයි. එයට ප්‍රධාන හේතුව  බුදුදහමේ සාරය එක්පිඩක් කොට කියවනු කැමැත්තෙකුට ධම්මපදයෙන් ලැබිය හැකි අනුග්‍රහය ප්‍රමාණ කළ නොහැකිවීම විය හැකිය. ධම්මපදය සදහා ලංකාවේ එදා මෙදා තුර බිහිව ඇති සංස්කරණ හා විවරණ සමූහයම මෙයට ඇති අගය විශද කරවයි . වියත් ගත් කතුවරයන් වහනසේ නමක් වන කෝට්ටේ ශ්‍රී  සාමාග්‍රී ධර්ම මහා සංඝ සභාවේ කර්මවාගාචාර්ය සහ කාරක සංඝ සභික ආචාර්ය උඩුගම්පොළ හේමරතන හිමියන් විසින් සංස්කරණය කරණ ලද මෙම ධම්මපද විවරණය දැනට ඇති සංස්කරණයන් හා සැසදීමෙිදී සාමාන්‍ය සිංහල පාඨකයාගේ අර්ථ අවබෝධයට පහසුවන එකක් බව නොබියව කිවහැකිය.
Controversies Related To Buddhism
Controversies Related To Buddhism - Controversies Related To Buddhism book attempts to analyze the reasons for the growth of dissent and schism among the Buddhist Sanga community after the demise of Buddha and the consequent development of different Schools beginning with Mahasa? gika and them Mahayana and perhaps ending with Vajrayana. It examines the influence of traditions such as Veda, Hinduism, Skepticism, Jainism etc.