The Lotus Sutra - Buddhism has a large corpus of scripture and "The Lotus Sutra" is regarded as the most important of the Mahayana Buddhism which spread in most parts of the then know world, including China, Korea and Japan, where it served as the basis of Tien- tai, Tendai and Nichiren schools, the latter now very popular in the West under the name of Soka Gakkai led by the famous Daisaku lkeda. The work " bears the character of a dramatic performance, Sakyamuni Load Buddha himself , consisting of a series of dialogued, brightened by the magic effects of a would - be supernatural scenery."
Vaijyantatantra – A Handbook for Artisans and Craftsmen Translated from the original Sanskrit - An English translation of Sanskrit verse which exposes the architecture of ancient aryans.
Nagarjuniana - The author deals with the thirteen genuine works of Nagarjuna. The first six are mainly dialectical works such as Mulamadhyamakakarika, Sunyatasaptati, Vigrahavyavartani, Vaidalyaprakarana, Vyavaharasiddhi, Yuktisastika followed by the remaining seven which are chiefly didactic texts - Catuhstava, Ratnavali, Prafityasamutpadahrdaya-karika, Sutrasamuccaya, Bodhicitta-vivarana, Suhrllekha, and Bodhisambhara (ka). Thus he roughly follows the prescriptive distinction between Yukti and Agama. Although it will be a fascinating task to trace the impact of Nagarjuna's writings on the subsequent development inside and outside the domain of Buddhist thinking, the present study has to some extent paved the way for such research.
The Kundalini Book of Living & Dying - This comprehensive study of Kundalini energy and how to awaken it within oneself includes methods, techniques, and examples of achieving higher consciousness, Kundalini awakening and self-realization. There is a spiritual energy dormant below the base of the spine. In the east it is called the Kundalini, but whatever name it is called, it is a common denominator in all major religions. People with awakened Kundalini experience death before physically dying through visions and out of body experiences, ultimately leading to a spiritual rebirth. A twice-born person simultaneously enjoys the best of this world and the next through an inner journey that conquers fears of dealt. That inner journey travels the world of meditation and unconscious dreams, as well as actual near-death experience.