The concept of Buddhahood evolves through Theravāda, Mahāyāna, and Tantric Buddhism. Initially, early texts depict the Buddha as a unique, enlightened human, focusing on His mental qualities and physical traits. The second stage sees detailed descriptions of His 32 physical marks and attributes lik
jayamangala gatha plays an important part of being chanted in every auspicious occasion carried out in a buddhist household. how many of you know the basis underlying their import ? in this book ken and visakha kawasaki mentions at some leugth the basis of each stanza chanted as the jayamangala gatha
in this book ably written by ken and visakha kawasaki mentions the places associate with the buddha's life and what important events had taken place in those sacred sites. in other words, it provides its ready with the reison d'ere for visiting that particular sacred site