Children's Books

Kukkura Jathakaya
කුක්කුර ජාතකය - රාජ්‍යයක පාලකයෙක් නීතිය, අර්ථ ශාස්ත්‍රය, දේශපාලනය ආදිය නිසි ආකාරයෙන් උගත නොලද්දේ වීනම් ඒ රාජ්‍යයම සතර අගතියට යනු ඇත. දැහැමි රාජ්‍ය පාලනයක් බිහි වීමට රටේ පාලකයා සතර අගතියට නොයා යුතුය. සතර අගතියේ අදීනවයන් දැක්වෙන ජාතක කතාවකි මෙය.
Rs 130.00
Kulavaka Jathakaya
කුලාවක ජාතකය - මෙහි සඳහන්ව ඇත්තේ මඝ මානවක කතා වස්තුවයි. සමාජ සුභසාධනය දැහැමි වූ මාර්ගය කරගත් මඝ මානවක මුළු මහත් සමාජයට ම දුන් යහපත් වූ ආදර්ශය මෙම කුලාවක ජාතකයෙන් පැහැදිලි වෙයි..
Rs 150.00
Narapathi Wasabha
නරපති වසභ - හෙළ ඉතිහාසයේ ලංකාද්වීපය පාලනය කල සුවිශේෂී වූ වසභ රජතුමා ගැන ලියවුන ළමා ග්‍රන්ථයකි. ළමා මනසට වීරත්වය ද චරිතාදර්ශය ද ගෙන දීමට හැකි වන පරිදි හද ගස්වා ඇත..
Rs 170.00
Narapathi Wijayabahu
නරපති විජයබාහු - හෙළ ඉතිහාසයේ ලංකාද්වීපය පාලනය කල සුවිශේෂී වූ විජයබාහු රජතුමා ගැන ලියවුන ළමා ග්‍රන්ථයකි. ළමා මනසට වීරත්වය ද චරිතාදර්ශය ද ගෙන දීමට හැකි වන පරිදි හද ගස්වා ඇත..
Rs 170.00
Buddhism A Graduated Course (Step 5)
A Systematically planned course in eight steps. Covers areas such as basic doctrine, social philosophy, ethics, Buddha-biography, religious history etc. Well illustrated and attractively printed on high quality paper with color plates. Approved as a Library book by the Ministry of Education. Ideal as a gift for children.
Rs 150.00
Buddhism A Graduated Course (Step 3 & Step 4)
A Systematically planned course in eight steps. Covers areas such as basic doctrine, social philosophy, ethics, Buddha-biography, religious history etc. Well illustrated and attractively printed on high quality paper with color plates. Approved as a Library book by the Ministry of Education. Ideal as a gift for children.
Rs 450.00
Colour me Kids
'Colour Me Kids" book is meant for your dearest kids. They need exercises for their fingers and at the same time through such exercises we thought of introducing Buddhism to these tiny tots.
Rs 150.00
Learn Dhamma Through Stories and Activities ( Book 1)
This booklet is mainly based on value education through Dhamma and also includes some activities for small finger. The activities too help to understand the Dhamma, which a small kid will not learn otherwise.
Rs 175.00
Buddhism A Graduated Course (Step 8)
A Systematically planned course in eight steps. Covers areas such as basic doctrine, social philosophy, ethics, Buddha-biography, religious history etc. Well illustrated and attractively printed on high quality paper with color plates. Approved as a Library book by the Ministry of Education. Ideal as a gift for children.
Rs 120.00
Buddhism A Graduated Course (Step 7)
A Systematically planned course in eight steps. Covers areas such as basic doctrine, social philosophy, ethics, Buddha-biography, religious history etc. Well illustrated and attractively printed on high quality paper with color plates. Approved as a Library book by the Ministry of Education. Ideal as a gift for children.
Rs 200.00
Buddhism A Graduated Course (Step 6)
A Systematically planned course in eight steps. Covers areas such as basic doctrine, social philosophy, ethics, Buddha-biography, religious history etc. Well illustrated and attractively printed on high quality paper with color plates. Approved as a Library book by the Ministry of Education. Ideal as a gift for children.
Rs 160.00
The Sanctuary
The four stories included in this book, along with three others were originally published in Sinhala under the title Podi Hamuduruwo Saha Venath Katha and in 2002 it own the State Literary Award for the best children's book. The dearth of children's of books in English with a Sri Lankan background motivated Dr. P.G. Punchihewa to translate these four stories into English and present them,  under the title " The Sanctuary".
Rs 200.00
Demaupiyani Obe Daruwata Kiya Denna
දෙමවුපියනි, ඔබේ දරුවාට කියා දෙන්න - දේශයක අනාගතය රඳා පවත්නේ එම දේශයේ උපන්, හැදෙන වැඩෙන ළමා පරපුර අත ය. එම පරපුර දේශයේ යහපත උදෙසා ඥාණයෙන් මෙන්ම ගුණ ධර්ම අතින් හැඩ ගස්වා ගැනීම වැඩිහිටි පරපුරේ, ගුරු පරපුරේ වගකීම වේ. අප දේශයේ පාසල් දරුවන්ගේ යහගුණ වර්ධනය හා උගැන්මට ඔවුන් දිරි ගැන්වීම පිණිස කෘතහස්ත පාඨශාලා ආචාර්යවරියක, විදුහල්පතිනියක හා ගුරු පුහුණු ආයතන කථිකාචාර්ය වරියකව සිටි විනීතා ජිනසේන මහත්මිය විසින් සම්පාදිත මෙම පොත් පිංච සෑම පාසල් දරුවෙකු වෙතම ලබා දිය යුතු අගනා තිළිණයක් ලෙස හªන්වා දිය හැකිය. 
Rs 150.00
Hela Daruwage Yahagunadam Maga Huruwa
හෙළ දරුවන්ගේ යහගුණ දම් මග හුරුව - හෙළ දරුවන්ගේ ආකල්පමය සංවර්ධනය උදෙසා සරල ව්‍යවහාර බසින් ලියන ලද්දක් වන මෙහි යහගුණදම් දරුවන්ගේ මොළයට, හදවතට උපක‍්‍රමශීලීව ලබාදිය හැකි ආකාරය පිළිබදව විග‍්‍රහ කරයි. 
Rs 200.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 9 Students)
Written as a part of a series of a text book by Mrs. Winitha Jinasena, the book presents in outline the fundamental facets of Buddhist doctrine and precept to children who are to inherit the social responsibilities of adults. It appeals both to the ordinary students and the budding philosophers.
Rs 975.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 8 Students)
Written as a part of a series of a text book by Mrs. Winitha Jinasena, the book presents in outline the fundamental facets of Buddhist doctrine and precept to children who are to inherit the social responsibilities of adults. It appeals both to the ordinary students and the budding philosophers.
Rs 800.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 7 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 700.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 1 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences. There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society. This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English. 
Rs 575.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Pre- School and Year 1 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 160.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 5 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 650.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 4 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 375.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 3 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 650.00
The Buddhist Way Of Life (For Grade 2 Students)
To Day our Children are open to all from of unwholesome influences.There for it is very useful to inculcate good religious habits among our children to lead a good life in the society.This book provides the very basics of Dhamma for our little children to understand in very simple English.
Rs 650.00