Essays On Buddhism Culture And Ecology For Peace And Survival - This is an anthology of essays that deals with the Buddhist attitude towards cultural and ecological issues supplied initially to foreign journals by Prof. Lily de Silva..
Thus we Heard: Recollections of the life of the Buddha - A peculiar biography of the Buddha – a treatise That takes a novel and unique approach in describing the life of the Buddha. Bhante Walpola Piyananda and Stephen Long have made an indelible impression in the field of religious literature by the presentation of this breath – taking narrative of the Buddha’s life.
Early History Of Buddhism in Ceylon - The Book is divided into two parts. Part I forms a necessary introduction to Part II, and deals with the Pali Commentaries, their sources the nature of their contents. Part II, Consisting of ten chapters, id devoted to a consideration of the introduction of Buddhism to Ceylon, its spread there and the effects which the faith had upon the life of the inhabitants of the island.
The four stories included in this book, along with three others were originally published in Sinhala under the title Podi Hamuduruwo Saha Venath Katha and in 2002 it own the State Literary Award for the best children's book. The dearth of children's of books in English with a Sri Lankan background motivated Dr. P.G. Punchihewa to translate these four stories into English and present them, under the title " The Sanctuary".
The book contains an exposition of sigālovādasutta and how it is relevant to the contemporary society. It is suitable for the lay Buddhists who strive to model their lives in accordance with Buddhist principles. In short this book encapsulates the discipline meant by the Buddha to the layman.
This booklet discusses in details the spiritual values preached by the Buddha in Sigalovada Sutta and it contains valuable guidelines and instructions required for better formation of life and conduct of all mundane people.
Rs 200.00
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